Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yay! January! WTF happened to 2009?

So here I am, sitting in L's backyard, if we're gonna go with traditional terminology (seeing as how backyard tends to invoke imagesof fences and immaculately maintained lawns and this backyard desires an Australian definition; think open spaces, your nextdoor neighbour isn't anywhere within thinking distance and the only things you can hear are the wind blowing through a multitude if trees that populate line of sight pretty much from horizon to horizon, and the dog - aptly named Puppy - occasionally having a conversation with the water hens or rabbits - or possums, let's not forget the possums.)

This trip has been a long time in the planning, I promised L in our first year of university at the ANU that I would visit her pretty birthplace before I left Australia. Well here I r, and there are no disappointments, only recongition about people and placed who up until this month have only ever featured as caracters in stories about the always distant wonderous Tasmania, which, like Narnia always seems to summon feelings if mysticism. Or maybe that's just cos I like the sound of the word: Tasmania. Hmm.

Anyways, my iPhone is eating up battery power while I'm hooked up to the great interwebs without which little me would be insane by now - oh fine, more insane - so I'll finish up here. I hope you all had a great start to the New Year (btw if anyone knows where my 2010 went I'd appreciate it if you could hos it up somewhere so I can download it again, cheers) and hope you're all doing great in general.

Clear Skies~V

1 comment:

  1. ummmm... can we say computer games and school...lmao.. time flies when you are having fun huh
